Sunday, August 2, 2009

What does /^\s*\.*?\s+\.*?\s+(.*?)\s+.*\... means in Perl Programming?

Can anyone kindly explain to me what does the following expression mean in PERL programming?

If (/^\s*\.*?\s+\.*?\s+(.*?)\s+.*\s*$/) {

print “$1\n”;


What does /^\s*\.*?\s+\.*?\s+(.*?)\s+.*\... means in Perl Programming?
It looks to me that it is PERL form of the HTML bold.
Reply:I don't know perl but I do know that what is being tested is a regular expresion. However it doesn't seem that the regular expression is being used, it looks like it's just being declared.

The regular expresion would match something like " .... ..... foo bar ", $1 would refer to "foo" in this case.
Reply:This is a regular expression - since it seems to be cut in the submission I cant fully understand it but - refer here
Reply:^ = beginning of line

\s* = zero or more whitespace characters (as many as possible)

\.*? = zero or more periods (as few as possible)

\s+ = 1 or more whitespace characters

\.*? = zero or more periods (as few as possible)

\s+ = 1 or more whitespace characters

(.*?) = zero or more of any character (as few as possible) (save this in $1)

\s+ = 1 or more whitespace characters

.* = zero or more of any character (as many as possible)

\s* = zero or more whitespace characters (as many as possible)

$ = end of line

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