Friday, May 21, 2010

What can I use perl for?

I was flicking through the unofficial guide to ethical hacking in my local bookstore and I noticed a chapter about perl. I was in a rush so I only glanced at it but what exactly can you do with perl, is it a high level language like VB or medium-low like C and C++.

What type of things is it used for?

What can I use perl for?
Perl is an interpreted language (scripting) like vbscript or Python. Variables are untyped. So statements like

$a = "hello" or $a = 3.1415

can be used. Perl is great for processing text (regular expressions, word count), or just for finding some strings in large data files. Perl has math operators, but the string operators and data structures (list, hashtable, arrays) are best.

O'Reilly has good books on Perl at all levels. There are also active user groups that enter questions.

For Windows, you download Perl for free from ActiveState
Reply:It's like C++, typically used for text manipulation. VB is not a high level language, C++ and C are, donno who's told you that but if your using a gui to program instead of code then it's a low level languiage in my book and the fact that vb only runs on Windows systems where as C++ is universal is also an obvious reason VB is crap.

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