Thursday, July 30, 2009

Do you know how you do a Pupirls(PERL) size in a assessment and how you documented it?

1.2 The person with a suspected head injury should be assessed every hour for 12 hours, then every two hours after that for the next twelve hours. If seen by an M.D., they may have different frequency orders. Call the supervisor/on-call for directions. The following areas, as noted on the Neuro

Status Form are to be checked: Time: Put the exact time that the check was done and not when it was supposed to supposed to be done. The exact time is important.

Pupils: Pupils are normally equal in size and constrict to light equally. This is what is meant by PERL – pupils equal and reactive to light. When someone has a serious head trauma the right and left pupils will not always be equal in size, nor will they react equally to light. Sometimes the pupil will be sluggish in reacting – sometimes it won’t react at all.

This must be checked in a fairly dark room by using a flashlight. If they react normally, simply put PERL, otherwise note the non-reactive pupil or that they are not equal. If there is a “non” normal response, double check your results, if they are still unequal or unresponsive, call 911 then call the nurse or supervisor immediately.

Do you know how you do a Pupirls(PERL) size in a assessment and how you documented it?
What I'm aware PERRL means "pupils equal, round and reactive to light". Means they are same size, round and change size.

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