Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Where can i get the folowing berries in diamond and perl?

Spelon Berry

Durin Berry

Liechi Berry

Ganlon Berry

Salac Berry

Petaya Berry

Apicot Berry

Lansat Berry

Starf Berry

Enigma Berry

Micle Berry

Custap Berry

Jaboca Berry

Rowap Berry

if there is a site, please inform me,

i know about serebii's berry dex, so dont tell me about that, thanks!!


Where can i get the folowing berries in diamond and perl?
i already beat that game.....most of the berries have to be given to u by the berry girl in the town by the hotels (excuse me for not beinb specific but i dont hav the game in front of me), there are also a few other people that gie them ouy as well but i forgot
Reply:unfortunately, you can only get liechi, petaya, lansat, starf, apicot, salac and ganlon berries in pokemon battle revolution. Enigma, micle, custap, jaboca and rowap berries are currently unavailable in pokemon games(although, there might be some action replay codes but they can screw up your game). also, i you go to amity square (with either a jigglypuff, torchic, shroomish, pachurisu, pikachu, drifloon, psyduck, buneary, clefairy or skitty) your pokemon may pick up a spelon or a durin berry every 200 steps so keep checking!

in addition, psypokes.com has the best pokedex in the world(official, not just my opinion) and an awesome berrydex.
Reply:durin berrry

salac berry

spelon berry,

your pokemon can pick those up every twohundred steps, in anatimy square, in hearthome city, and the others DONT GROW in SINNOH, get a lv.100 linnoone with pickup ability, or a lv.100 aipom, or anythign else with pick up ability thast over lv.70, check to see if your pokemon is holding a berry.!
Reply:Lol i just answered but did not realise it was a game,,, scrap my previous......... GLuck

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