Friday, May 21, 2010

How do i open a file?? PERL help?

how do i open a file into a program that i have written to print out the exemptions of that file that i have typed in the command line eg.

home$ colour.txt

how do i get my program "" to open that colour.txt file formt he command line.... help

How do i open a file?? PERL help?
If the Perl program is expecting to read standard input, what you wanted is:

home$ %26lt; colour.txt

The %26lt; is a "redirect" operator.

If you want the program to open it itself, you'll need to code that in your Perl program:

my $fn ,$FILE;

$fn= $ARGV[1];

$file = open($fn) || die "can't open input file";

while(%26lt;FILE%26gt;) {

# do something


You get the idea.

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